Telematics Guru Release Notes
Table of Contents
Information around TG updates and new features are sent out to partners via our mailing list- click here to Sign Up
February 2025
New Features
Our AI Dashcam offering nears feature completion with the addition of camera events to the Custom Events reports (both detailed and summary). Simply check the box for camera events and then choose the events that you want.

The enhanced reports will now feature a column indicating the name of the camera connected to the asset, whether the particular event came from a camera, and what the camera event type was.

- Further fleshing out the AI Dashcam feature set is the addition of a new way to share camera events from an alert. A Camera Events Detail Link token that can be inserted into the body of your alert gives recipients an easy way to jump straight into the media when they receive their notification. They simply click on the link, enter their TG credentials, and are directed to a dedicated page to view media for that event.

Feature Enhancements
- For partners with very large numbers of assets on the Live View we are trialling a new Beta Live View that will improve performance by selectively loading assets that appear in the Tracked Assets view. If you would like to join the Beta program, please contact Digital Matter Support for the requisite permission.

- Geofences can now be edited directly from the Live View, without requiring a change of context. To edit a geofence on the Live View, simply right click on a visible geofence to see options to either edit or delete. Please note that you may need to right click the map to Show Geofences to reveal the location of your existing geofences first.

- Do your assets or people frequently change between projects or departments? Dynamic Alerts Notifications was made for you! Create alerts that will notify people in the right project or department even when your asset changes its department. You can also use this new functionality to send alerts to the currently assigned driver of a vehicle when their asset has left a geofence. Read more here.

- When setting camera alerts, you will now only see camera events that are applicable to the camera platform supplier that you have integrated (i.e. VisionMax integrated organizations will see VisionMax camera event types only). This ensures you cannot set alerts for camera events which will never occur against your assets.
Sometimes one week is not enough, and one month is two weeks too many. We've now introduced a fortnightly option for scheduled reports. When setting fortnightly, the schedule will begin from the first occurence of the day of the week and time specified.

- To make the Video Requests page easier to manage, we have now added the time a request was made, links to both the asset and camera, as well as removing the delete button, as it was a misnomer.
Bug Fixes
- We've fixed a bug where the last camera event was not appearing on Live View for some users.
- The zoom level when editing Geofences now matches Live View. You can now zoom in just as far.
- Fixed a bug where an error about serials appeared when trying to rename a VisionMax camera.
- The Barra GPS now allows Geofence downloads so that the device knows the location of geofences even when out of coverage.
Older Releases
November and December 2024
New Features
- You can now filter the Live View by the in-trip status of your assets. This is useful if you want to see at a glance which of your vehicles are still active after-hours, or which vehicles near the depot are leaving or departing.

Feature Enhancements
- We have heard you! You want to be able to select large numbers of devices in Telematics Guru and open them in Device Manager to change configurations in bulk. Now you can.
Simply select your devices and then if the number is higher than can be supported with a single click we will give you a button to copy the device serials to your clipboard, from where you can simply paste them into the Multi-Search in device manager. We even give you a link right to the device-type constrained search on the Device Grid page if you prefer.

- The trip-sharing link feature has been improved to allow you to share a link that will take the recipient right into the login screen for Telematics Guru, then the right org, and finally into the exact trip on the Trip History page. This is great if you want to send information about a trip to another person via e-mail or chat message.
- The Partner Asset List Report now includes assets that never connected - this is useful if your on-billing method charges a flat rate for assets regardless of their connected status in TG.
- The Asset Locations Report now supports an additional column. Users can now customise the Asset Locations Report to optionally include the device's serial number.

- When creating a new asset you can now modify the first service interval for a scheduled maintenance reminder without having to change screens. This is useful if your first servicing will be earlier than the cadence that follows.

- The Driver Scorecard Report now incorporates local speed limit violations for TG Pro assets. Previously, only violations of static speed limits set at the organisation or the asset level were accounted for in the scorecard report, but now all speed violations are included.
- Our AI Dashcam Integration continues to gain features!
- Self-serve setup - no need to call on support to set up additional fleets of cameras for your customers
- View AI-detected camera footage on the platform
- Request additional footage from the Camera's SD card.
- Receive camera event alerts via TG
- (VisionMax only) Use a camera's telemetry for single-device deployment.
- Report on the cameras within the organisations you can view for billing purposes - stay on top of the cameras you have integrated.
- Self-serve setup - no need to call on support to set up additional fleets of cameras for your customers
- Continuing with our ongoing efforts to bring in more and more AEMP 2.0 (ISO 15143-3) compatible equipment, we have just completed the integration of Link-Belt excavators via their RemoteCARE service. As with the other integrations of this kind that we have completed, the standard AEMP 2.0 format makes it straightforward for us to create an integration. Let us know of anything that should be in the pipeline.
Bug Fixes
- The Driver List screen will now load much faster for organisations with large numbers of drivers - the more the merrier!
- We fixed an issue where some integrated Teltonika devices wouldn't start trips because their initial event had such poor GPS accuracy that we were throwing it out. We have now lowered the bar for our accuracy threshold, allowing these events to populate on the map.
- We fixed an issue where the local speed limit for TG Pro wasn't displaying on the Live view inside the parenthesis after the speed. You can now see the local speed limit on the Live View
- We fixed a bug where the Driver Grid wasn't properly resizing columns on mobile phones. It should be easier to read on smaller screens now.
- We fixed a bug where ticking the boxes for
Display on Trip View
andDisplay on Live View
while configuring an analog weren't respected once the analog was made. Respect is now in effect.
- We have fixed a bug with the Geofence Search screen that only searched the visible parts of geofence names.
September and October 2024
New Features
- We have added a Quicksearch Bar! Simply type
control + k
oralt + k
to bring up the bar, then begin typing. use the directional arrow keys on your keyboard and theEnter
key to jump to a result. This is just our first iteration of this functionality - let us know what you want to search for in the future!
- Telematics Guru now accepts geofence imports via the industry-standard .kml format! This enables quick transfers of geofences from many leading software platforms into Telematics Guru. Multiple fences can be imported at the same time, and the systm has inbuild validation to help you ensure that all your fences are complete loops.
- Events from Lightmetrics Cameras can now trigger alerts via the “Create Camera Alert” option on the Alerts screen.

- AI Cameras that do not need to exist on TG can now be easily deleted.

- VisionMax AI Dashcam users can now request the camera to wake up and upload a snippet of historical footage from the SD card by clicking on a telemetry point from the TG Trip History view.

- Teltonika devices on Telematics Guru have received a huge upgrade with the ability to map AVL codes to TG analogs for use in Alerts, reports, and all places good analogs are sold. Furthermore, AVL-Analog mappings can be saved and applied to new assets quickly and easily, reducing complexity when setting up multiple assets.

Feature Enhancements
- WebHooks now support sending data to other systems as an array - this is useful if your end platform specifically requires arrays.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Bluetooth Driver ID options required for complete setup were not present when creating a Driver from the User Creation screen. You can now seamlessly create a user and a functional Bluetooth ID Driver from a single screen.
- Fixed a bug with the Asset Daily Positions Map where UTC timezone snapshots were not populating in the dropdown list.
- Fixed a bug with the Trip List Report where the days of the week were being unchecked by subsequent edits.
- Fixed a bug where the "Enable Driver Management" option was automatically unticked if the "Send All Drivers to Device" was enabled on an organization level.
- Fixed a bug where the organization edit button was being controlled by the organization delete permission.
- Fixed a bug where new users could not accept a login invitation when the user who originally invited them had been deleted.
and Behind the Scenes Work on Unreleased Features…
August 2024
Telematics Guru can now accept data from the FOX3 series of GPS trackers by Lantronics. Receive location, trips, ignition state, temperature monitoring, as well as virtual odometer and run-hours. Check and see if there are any FOX3 units in your fleets and integrate them!

Feature Enhancements
- You can now search for individual assets on the Asset Daily Coverage Map.

- We've increased the maximum historical Expense Capture search period from 12 months to 5 years. This will help you get a quick view of the history of expenses incurred by your asset.
- We have changed the way that Scheduled Maintenance Reminder permissions work. There are now three levels of permissions:
Maintenance History View - Allows you to view the screens for Jobs & Reminders and Maintenance Schedules. You can also view notes, download documents, and search for jobs and assets.
Maintenance Job Manage - Allows you to make new notes, upload documents, create new jobs and complete them, as well as everything the previous permission allows.
Maintenance Schedule Admin - Allows for the creation, editing and deletion of maintenance schedules
Maintenance History View - Allows you to view the screens for Jobs & Reminders and Maintenance Schedules. You can also view notes, download documents, and search for jobs and assets.
This change will ensure that not everyone who needs to be able to view a maintenance job can modify that maintenance job, giving greater control and accessibility for larger organizations. All users who previously had access to Schedule Maintenance Reminders have been given all three permissions by default.

- The Cell Tower Data button on the Telemetry Data page now supports information gleaned from multi cell tower scans. This is useful for determining an asset's position when a fix fails, as it is possible for the next heartbeat to contain stale data, but info from several towers.

- We've made a new report called the Partner PPM Current Message Count Report! Set threshold limits for current message count and projected threshold count to allow for scheduled reports on devices that meet your criteria. This allows for proactive intervention on devices that are likely to exceed projected PPM costs based on current usage.
- We've enhanced the granularity of the Asset Analog Graph when reporting on cellular signal strength. This is useful for troubleshooting device placement or anomalies. The data comes out in a modem-specific scale as per our article on Cellular Reception Troubleshooting. The final result can be manipulated in Excel as per the below.

- We have optimized the performance of the Area Coverage - Summary report to ensure that it generates faster with larger amounts of data.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where odometer readings made during asset creation couldn't be deleted.
- Fixed an issue where changing the colour of a geofence while editing it was not reflected on the map until it was saved.
- Fixed an issue where users saw an error when attempting to navigate to an asset's nearest POI from the Daily Positions screen.
- Fixed a bug where Barra Edge devices didn't show a radius indicating confidence levels of positional accuracy on some screens.
- Fixed an issue where users in organizations without POI permissions were still seeing POI screens and interacting with them.
- Fixed an issue where users could not delete Maintenance Schedules (please be aware that deleting a Maintenance Schedule will also delete all associated jobs. Not recommended!)
July 2024
Feature Enhancements
- We've changed the way that we calculate limits for e-mail alerts. Every organization now starts out with an initial cap of 10k e-mails a month, which changes to adding 3,000 emails per asset per month after your organisation adds 4 assets. Your e-mail alerting requirements can now easily scale with the size of your deployment.
- The Time Spent Near Gateway report is a great tool for keeping track of how long BLE tagged assets spend at particular locations. Consecutive periods of time being detected by a BLE gateway device like an G70 Bluetooth®, Hawk, or G150 Global are tallied into a summary for each day so that you can record employees' time on site, shared equipment at workstations, or livestock movement patterns. Ask your Digital Matter representative for more information!
Visual Updates
- You can now bulk update geofences to a specific colour or project. Simply select the geofences that you want to change and pick from a set of colours or the list of projects available within your organisation. Working with large numbers of geofences is now easier than ever.
- For people who dislike a forest of tabs at the top of their browser windows, we now have a new organisation level setting that will prevent new tabs from being created. With Disable New Browser Tab on Redirect enabled, clicking on a link in TG that would normally open a new tab, like selecting a report, will instead open in the current tab.
- Minor UI Improvements
June 2024
- Telematics Guru now supports AI Dashcams! We have integrated the MiTAC K245 using the VisionMax platform onto Telematics Guru to enable remote review of AI-generated events including driver distraction and driver fatigue. The integration also treats telematics data from the device as if it was any other device - bringing your camera-connected assets into TG with trips, location history and reporting. Learn more at AI Dashcam Integration - Digital Matter.

- As outlined in Welcome to Device Manager, the Device Manager platform is the place to interact with all of your devices from a hardware perspective. As such, the previous hyperlink to a set of devices in OEM Server has been replaced with a link to Device Manager.

- We have now added support for ELA Innovations' DI and Prox IR BLE tag types. If you are using these Bluetooth® tags, you can now create them as assets within Telematics Guru. To do this, please ask your administrator to enable them as device types from the Custom Device Names list so that they appear in your dropdown menu.
- Teltonika device integration now fully supports idling and immobilizer information via digital inputs. For more information please review Teltonika Device Setup - Digital Matter.
Feature Enhancements
- For people that like to live in the here and now, we have added the ability to sort the Asset Telemetry event list from new to old, such that the most recent event from the device is listed at the top of the table. This is achieved by navigating to Assets → Telemetry, and then clicking on the Date Time column until the arrow points in the direction that you want it. A downward-pointing arrow represents descending order from newest to oldest.

- Driver ID on the G70 BLE is coming! We have made changes to Telematics Guru permissions to prepare for this change, please take a look at our setup guide for information on how to get ready!
- The Daily Positions Map now supports filtering by project and department, giving you greater ability to determine the location of key assets at a particular time each day. This is a great tool for quickly determining which assets didn't leave the depot on time.

- For users that need to do advanced analog mapping (as is the case when integrating a fuel tank sensor that measures fuel level as distance from the top when the tank is an irregular shape) we have increased the number of advanced analog mapping points to 500! This allows for the integration of sensors for pressure, temperature, and light that correspond to a measure that the customer cares about in a non-linear fashion with a high degree of granularity.

- If you've made changes to your e-mail provider, or want to ensure that notifications and reports coming from TG have a consistent name (i.e. “”) you can now change multiple managed organizations in one fell swoop.

- We've also made some small security enhancements based on our ongoing work to stay secure.
- To help with understanding and managing permissions across your organizations, but especially the Checklists permissions which carry a charge for billing, we have released the User Rights Audit Report which allows you to select a specific permission and return a report of which users have that permission. For access, please contact your Digital Matter representative to enable this against your home organization.

- We've now released the Asset Trip List Summary (Multi-Day) report, which summarized a list of assets' trips into a single row for quick distance and runtime summaries across the fleet. If this report would add value to your operation, please contact your Digital Matter representative and ask for it to be added to your home organization.

Visual Updates
- The asset location sharing link screen is now better on different screen sizes.

May 2024
New Features
- Caterpillar Device support added to ISO Device Integration
- Add ability to automatically disable asset after a certain date (such as after a trial period ends)
Assign Colours to Geofences
- ISO Devices can now be bulk-imported
- Add ability to control G150 Digital Outputs from Server
- Multi-Device serial search on Asset Manage Grid
April 2024
New Features
- Added Bluetooth Driver ID Type
- API - Call generate Multi-Asset Location Share Links added
- Ability to control 2nd Digital Output on supported devices
- Security Enhancements
- Webhook Character Limit increased to 500
- Driver Trip Summary Report: First Trip Start Date and Last Trip End Date columns added
March 2024
Improvements and Enhancements
Upload Documents to Maintenance Job - additions
- View Files from Grid
- Multiple File Upload option
- Teltonika Devices - AVL 273 (BLE Fuel Level Reading 2) added to integration
- Alerts Not Assigned Report - Identify Alerts with no recipients (potential misconfiguration)
- UI updates for Asset Daily Positions View
- Scheduled Report security enhancements
- API call added to retrieve Raw Telemetry data for an Asset
- Add an entry to User Log on asset project change.
- Hawk Address Lookup change
- Google Maps Alert Token - HTML encode link to ensure Google Maps link displays properly in email client
- If a User does not have View/Manage Geofences Permissions - Hide the "toggle" option on the live view
February 2024
New Features: Web
Asset Daily Positions View
- Review and analyze your fleet's historical positions
- This functionality proves invaluable for logistics teams seeking to understand patterns, optimize routes, and identify potential bottlenecks in their supply chain.
- By selecting a specific time and date, users can access a detailed log of an asset's movements, providing insights into its journey and helping to enhance overall operational efficiency.
Upload Documents to Maintenance Job
- This allows invoices, job sheets, photos and more to be captured against the maintenance schedule. Maintaining a complete history of all asset maintenance and documentation in one place.
Improvements and Enhancements
- Organisation Battery Status Report – Custom Field generation bugfix
- Asset Grid Pagination to significantly improve performance for large organisations
- Additional User Management Grid performance improvements
- Department filter added to Speed Band Reports
- Display Recovery Mode and Immobilisation Status on the Live View
- Ensure all reports use white label device names
- Custom Event Detail Report performance enhancements
- Location Engine Record processing optimisations
- Display Partner’s White Label Device Names when editing assets via app
- Filter Assets by Project/Department
- Checklists: Support for Date Question Type
- Long press to copy asset details i.e. name/serial
December 2023
New Features: Web
Download Report Data via API
- Data extraction can occur instantly through API calls as opposed to following a predetermined schedule. This capability enables the seamless ingestion and synchronization of vital asset data across various platforms.
- Data extraction can occur instantly through API calls as opposed to following a predetermined schedule. This capability enables the seamless ingestion and synchronization of vital asset data across various platforms.
Twilio SMS Integration
- Addition of Twilio to our list of SMS Notification Providers
- Send SMS alerts for TG using this service
Additional Points of Interest Fields
- Categorize and color code Points of Interest (POIs) e.g. Supplier and Customer addresses
- Quickly identify the asset closest to a given POI for easy dispatch
Manage Driver License Expiry
- The addition of an expiry filter to the Driver List Report allows organizations to report on a driver whose license is close to expiry and take action by updating their records.
- The addition of an expiry filter to the Driver List Report allows organizations to report on a driver whose license is close to expiry and take action by updating their records.
- Analog Differential Alerts
- Alert if a device sensor reading (such as temperature or tank level) changes by more than a set value between one record and the next
- For example, configure for Fuel Theft Alerts
Improvements and Enhancements
- Fix for Geofence Entry/Exit Alert Wizard when Project Functionality is disabled
- Speed Event Count column added to Driver Trip Summary Report
- Speed Band Detail scheduled report validation fix
- "In Trip" column added to Devices Not Connecting Reports
October 2023
- Scheduled report reliability improvements
- Maintenance Schedule Edit Asset dialogue bug fix
- ISO Device Location Improvement
- Support for additional temperature probe (2) for Teltonika devices
September 2023
New Features
Tag Alerts
- Configure alerts to be sent based on Bluetooth Tag data e.g.
- Temperature tag is reporting a temperature above 6 degrees
- Mag tag is reporting a door is open
- Configure alerts to be sent based on Bluetooth Tag data e.g.
- Add Geofence "Comment" as an optional column to Geofence Reports
- Added Maintenance Schedule tab to the Edit Asset Dialogue
- Email/SMS notification stability improvements
- Alerts Geofence list display improvements
- User Grid display fix
- Search by asset details in User Support
- Ignition status filter added to trip list report
- Asset Data Clearing fix
August 2023
New Features
Allow trips to be defaulted to ‘Business’
- Simplify log booking for company vehicles
- Simplify log booking for company vehicles
- New Teltonika CAN Fields added to integration
- 83 - Fuel Consumed (L)
- 107 – Fuel Consumed (Counted)
- 87 - Total Mileage (m)
- Checklist Filter added to Checklist Photo Report
- App and Web UI fixes
- Asset Bulk Import fix
- User Management Grid loading improvements
- Multi-Asset Location Share Optimisation