Fox3 Device on Telematics Guru
Telematics Guru can accept data from the FOX3 series of GPS trackers by Lantronics.
Receive location, trips, ignition state, temperature monitoring, as well as virtual odometer and run-hours. Check and see if there are any FOX3 units in your fleets and integrate them!

In order to connect a Fox3 device with TG.
- Contact your original provider for instructions on how to direct your device data to <TG Instance IP>:7089. For example, to use on APAC01, direct data to IPs per regional instance are given here - TG Region Specific Details
Ensure the device type is active for your partner account
- From your partner home organisation, navigate to Custom Device Names, and ensure that Fox3 is checked in the list.
- From your partner home organisation, navigate to Custom Device Names, and ensure that Fox3 is checked in the list.
- Create an asset as per normal, use the device IMEI, and set the device type to Fox3.