4G Battery Powered Device Behaviour Effects - EMnify (multi-IMSI sims)
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In order for our battery powered devices (including Edge devices) to roam on EMnify multi-IMSI sims they require that devices conform to certain specifications. That includes a minimum network registration timeout to allow for IMSI switching. This article outlines the settings that need to be applied to the device if using EMnify.
To use the EMnify network, the device must have the "APN" & "4G Network" admin parameter tab along with the "Upload Timeouts" system parameter tab set to as shown below:
Please Note
This will only enable the sim cards to connect properly on networks that exist with suitable devices i.e. 4G devices with LTE/CAT-M1 networks.
First add in the Fixed APN for Emnify - 'EM'

Make sure you set the Access technology to CAT-M1 only and the subsequent selector to Global: Cat-M1 Only

To enable IMSI switching, you need a network timeout great than 5 minutes (300 seconds)