Hawk - Configure MLX90640 Infrared Camera
Table of Contents
Note about the Bluetooth+ IO Card
The Bluetooth+ IO card has a significant amount of memory reserved for Bluetooth tags.
Unfortunately, due to the high memory requirements of the MLX90640, it cannot be used with the Bluetooth+ IO card.
Physically configure the Hawk and camera
Install the Agtech1 card.
Install the latest main board FW (v1.3 or later) via OEM Device Manager.
Install the latest Agtech1 I/O card FW (v1.8 or later) via OEM Device Manager.
- Install the camera wires to the appropriate I/Os as illustrated below:
Note: As with the Eagle, for low noise performance this sensor requires a 100nF and a 10uF decoupling capacitor to be added to the sensor pins. See this article for details. Without these capacitors, noise of ±2°C is expected.
Configure Systems Parameters in Device Manager
Navigate to the Agtech1 tab and configure the parameters shown below.
- Navigate to the I2C Action 1 tab, and configure the following parameters in yellow:
Navigate to the Task 1 tab, and configure the following parameters in yellow:
Hit the update button to save the settings. The Hawk should now be configured to work with the MLX90640.