Network Settings - Global Devices
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If you misconfigure the Network settings, e.g. set bandmasking for locally unavailable bands, the device will temporarily lose its connection to OEM. After a period of 3 days without connection, the device will reset and it will use fallback network parameters. This period of 3 days will also cause additional battery drain as the device attempts to connect at its configured heartbeat and fails. We strongly advise to err on the side of caution when changing the Network Settings.
Our Global range of devices allow for the use of Cat 1bis and 2G connectivity, and permits for them to either be used on their own, or in tandem with fallback. Priority can be given to either Cat 1bis or 2G.
Additionally, you can apply bandmasking to your device's network profile to ensure it doesn't waste unnecessary energy on scanning bands unavailable with your local network provider.
This allows for the network profile to be optimised for your specific use-case and the site of your application.
All of this can be done via the Network settings on OEM. This article details the specific parameters that are possible for the Global devices regarding networks, and the purpose of these parameters.
Setting the Network Profile
To set a network profile on a device, you need to be able to set the admin parameters. For more information on these steps, please see Setting the Network Profile. The steps for Global Devices works the same as for NB-IoT/LTE-M devices, with different parameters under the Network settings tab.

The default setting simply enables basic Cat 1bis scanning of all bands, with 2G fallback if no Cat 1bis is available. The available presets are for Cat 1bis with 2G fallback, 2G with Cat 1bis fallback, 2G only or Cat 1bis only. Otherwise, you can enter a custom network string.
Recommendation: It is best practice to use the default configuration if unsure about which bands are available locally. However, if bandmasking is necessary, we recommend that you first make sure which bands are available locally, and whether the Global devices supports any of those bands (see below for more information).
A general way to quickly check is through basic research, such as using a source like this. However, the safest way to be fully certain is to check with your local network provider.
Custom Network Strings
The custom network strings can be entered using the custom network field in the Network parameters. It is a comma separated list of options for connectivity for the device.
Please note that only 4 bands can be entered for bandmasking, and that the device will read the values from the front. This means that if you were to select bands 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: only bands 1 to 4 would be used for the bandmasking on the device.
Please note that the string is case sensitive. If you aren't fully sure how to apply the correct bandmasking for your specific network availability, please contact your local distributor for help.
Field | Description | Example | Remarks |
b | Use Cat 1bis only, bands selected numerically | b2+20 | Selects Cat 1bis bands 2 and 20 |
B | Use Cat 1bis only, with bands written as hex mask | B800002 | Selects Cat 1bis bands 2 and 20 |
g | Use 2G only, used in tandem with Cat 1bis | b1+28, g | Prioritises Cat 1bis bands 1 and 28, 2G fallback |
B, g | Prioritises Cat 1bis, 2G fallback | B8000002, g | Selects Cat 1bis bands 2 and 28 as priority, 2G fallback |
A | Sets the default APN | Aglobal | Sets default profile APN to global |
U | Sets the default APN username | Aalice | Sets the profile default username to Alice |
P | Sets default APN password | Psecret | Sets default APN password to secret |
Setting the Cat 1bis Bandmasking String:
- Bandmasking allows for the devce to instruct the modem which bands to scan for registration.
- Due to the wide variety of bands available for scanning plus the ability to scan for 2G connectivity, configuring the device to only scan bands which you know are available on your chosen network optimises registration time and thus improves battery-life.
- You can use the custom network field to enter up to 4 bands for bandmasking for your device, to ensure that the device does not expend unnecessary energy scanning for bands unavailable with your service provider.
- The LENA-R8 module currently supports the following bands: 1, 12, 2, 20, 28, 3, 38, 4, 40, 41, 5, 66, 7, 8.
- 2G can be included in the string, either as fallback or as the priority connectivity, depending on its order in the string. For example, b1+20+28, g will scan for the Cat 1bis bands 1, 20 and 28 first before scanning for 2G connectivity.
Setting The APN Defaults
- You can specify the default APN name, username, and password
- These are used if the 'Fixed APN' tab in the Admin Parameters is left blank
- Any values you don't specify will use a blank value by default
- Many networks accept a blank APN, but we recommend explicitly setting the APN if possible