BLE Generic Protocol Tags
System Parameter for Filtering BLE Tags also known as BLE User Integrated Tags
Table of Contents
What is Generic Protocol?
Bluetooth Low Energy Generic Protocol is not a recognised standard per-se, but instead refers to elements of the BLE transmission payload that are common to all BLE devices. By pinpointing features within these common elements, we can filter specific tag types from among all the possible tags that might appear on a BLE tag scan to ensure that, for example, a hyper-specific magnetic resonance BLE sensor is the only tag type returned in the tag list. This is useful for instances where you want to work with niche BLE tags that have not been explicitly integrated by Digital Matter. Configuring this tab is also the precursor to BLE Generic Protocol Analog Tag Mapping.
Bluetooth Firmware
Bluetooth modules have their own firmware version independent of the device firmware. Please ensure that your Bluetooth firmware is up-to-date before embarking on any new parameter setup.
How Does it Work?
The BLE Generic Protocol Tags tab (in earlier versions of firmware this is referred to as the BLE User Integrated Tags tab) is an Advanced System Parameter, which can be added to your System Parameter set from the dropdown. See the table below for device support (firmware dependent):
Device | Name in Firmware |
Dart3 4G Bluetooth | BLE Generic Protocol Tags |
Dart3 Global Bluetooth | BLE Generic Protocol Tags |
G150 Global | BLE User Integrated Tags |
G120 (FW:2.3+) | BLE User Integrated Tags |
G70 4G Bluetooth | BLE Generic Protocol Tags |
Manta Fusion | BLE Generic Protocol Tags |
Oyster3 4G Bluetooth | BLE User Integrated Tags |
Oyster Edge 4G | BLE User Integrated Tags |
Remora3 4G | BLE User Integrated Tags |
Remora3 4G Global | BLE User Integrated Tags |
Tab Layout

- Please ensure that the Tag Type corresponds to the Other Tag Type selection on variously BLE Tag Scanning, BLE Periodic Tag Scanning, or BLE Continuous Tag Scanning. For example, if selecting Other Tag Type 1 as Generic Protocol Tag, then Generic Protocol Tag Type 1 should contain the instructions, not any other numbered Generic Protocol Tag Type.
- For convenience, a large number of previously seen tag types have been added to this dropdown. Selecting one of these options will filter your taglist such that it specifically looks for tags of that type. It does not fully translate the payload, but is rather designed for your IoT platform to process numerical data rather than the native hexadecimal.
- If your desired model of tag is not present within the dropdown, you can choose Custom within the dropdown, and then paste instructions into the Custom Tag Type box. Examples of how to do this can be found here.
When Should I Use It?
The best example would be for an application where a customer already has a set of BLE tags which you are required to integrate with. The assets will be moving through areas with many different types of tags, but your taglist reports need to only return the customer's tags. With a Manta Fusion, setting BLE Tag Scanning Other Tag Type 1 to Generic Protocol Tag, then adding the BLE Generic Protocol Tags tab and choosing Custom for Generic Protocol Tag Type 1 will leave you with just the instructions to add. After perusing the BLE tag documentation, reading the integration guide and speaking with the Digital Matter team, you will be able to paste a custom string into the Custom Tag Type field at the bottom. Once the device powers on and does a scan, only tags which match the instructions will be returned in the taglist, so your customer only gets information about their own tags.
Next Steps
Take a look at Analog Tag Mapping if you need to ensure that a single tag and its sensors are associated with your gateway device.